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Claudio Conforti

sábado, 5 de mayo de 2012

Albert Visser A Tractarian Universe

Abstract In this paper we develop a reconstruction of the Tractatus ontology.
The basic idea is that objects are unsaturated and that Sachlagen are like
molecules. Bisimulation is used for the proper individuation of the Sachlagen.
We show that the ordering of the Sachlagen is a complete distributive, lattice.
It is atomistic, i.e., each Sachlage is the supremum of the Sachverhalte below
it. We exhibit three normal forms for Sachlagen: the bisimulation collapse, the
canonical unraveling and the canonical bisimulation collapse. The first of these
forms is unique modulo isomorphism, the second and third are simply unique.
The subset ordering on normal forms of the second and third kind reflects the
ordering of the Sachlagen.

1 comentario:

  1. Excelente artículo sobre la ontología del Tractatus wittgeinteiniano. Tengo el artículo completo para quien lo solicite:


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