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Claudio Conforti

lunes, 16 de mayo de 2016

XIX EIDL Encuentro Internacional de Didáctica de la Lógica y 6º SIILA Simposio Internacional de Investigación en Lógica y Argumentación

La Academia Mexicana de Lógica (AML), El Taller de Didáctica de la Lógica (TDL), La Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM),

El Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas (IIF-UNAM) El Mexican Cultural Centre (MCC), Reino Unido Invite you to participate in the XIX International Conference of Logic Teaching, to be held in November at the Institute of Philosophical Research, in México City. During this Conference the sessions of the 6 th International Symposium for Research in Logic and Argumentation will be held.

The following types of contributions will be accepted: Teaching Experiences Presentation of Learning Programs on Logic Presentation of Teaching Materials Research on Teaching and Methodology of Logic Research on Formal or Informal Logic and Argumentation The suggested research topics are, but not limited to: Formal Logic Informal Logic and Critical Thinking Argumentation and Rhetoric.

The papers will have the following general structure: Title, Subtitle (optional), Names of authors, Institution, Abstract in Spanish, Abstract in English Introduction, Body of the text, Conclusions, References. The paper will be captured in Times New Roman font. Each abstract with keywords (3-5) and a length from 250 to 400 words, font size 10. The titles with font size 16, subtitles font size 14, textual quotes with more than 5 lines with font size 10. The body of the text in font size 12, 1.5 line spacing. References in APA Style. The top and bottom margins will be 2.5 cm, left and right margins 3.0 cm. Figures should be numbered with Arabic numerals, have a title and the corresponding source. Papers in Spanish and English will be accepted. The summaries should be submitted to coordinació in .docx or .doc file (Word) and in .pdf file, with the name xix_eidl_summary.

The mail should content the following information: Paper title, Author names with institutional affiliation and emails, type of contribution and research topic. Up to 5 authors are permitted. Summaries will be subject to a double-blind review process. Once you receive the notification that your summary is accepted, you should se nd the paper in the extended version and to cover the corresponding payment. Papers should not exceed 12 pages including figures and references, and they must include the already accepted abstract. You should send papers through the website of the Mexican Academy of Logic: with the name of xviieidl_paper in Word and .pdf files. Together with the submission of your paper, you should complete the registration form and include a proof of your payment. Each presentation of a paper will last 20 minutes at the most. Payments should be deposited to the following bank account: BBVA Bancomer, account number: 0189125159, Academia Mexicana de Lógica A.C., bank branch: 0183, D.F. Etiopía, CLABE 012180001891251593.

 Additional information at Important Dates:

 Abstract submission: May 1st – July 18th , 2016
 Notification of (abstract) acceptance: June 15th -August 25th, 2016
 Paper submission: July 1 st -August 31st, 2016
 Registration (speakers): July 1 st -August 31st, 2016
 Registration (attendees): May 1 st -November 16 th, 2016 Registration fees Attendees Early payment (May 1 st -August 8 th, 2016): USD $ 20 Late payment (August 9 th -November 16 th, 2016): USD $ 35 Speakers Early payment (July 1st -August 8 th, 2016): 1 speaker: USD $ 60 Speaker (2 authors) USD $ 70 (10 USD per additional author) Late payment (August 9 th -31th, 2016): 1 speaker: USD $ 80 2 speakers: USD $ 90 (10 USD per additional author) Registration fees include access to all sessions of the XIX International Conference and to the 6 th International Symposium for Research in Logic and Argumentation, an electronic book with isbn containing the papers of the meeting and a paper stating that you presented a paper in this event. In the case you, as a speaker, cancel, you must notify by e -mail to Cancellations received before August 1st will be refunded 50%, after this date payments are non-refundable. No refunds will be given for attendees. Reimbursements will be processed after the Conference.

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