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Claudio Conforti

lunes, 30 de mayo de 2011

Bibliografia sobre Independence Friendly Logic

Alpern, S., 1991. Cycles in extensive form perfect information games, Journal
of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 159, 1–17.

Bacharach, M., 1985. Some extensions of a claim of Aumann in an axiomatic
model of knowledge, Journal of Economic Theory 37, 167–190.

Blinov, A., 1994. Semantic games with chance moves, Synthese 99, 311–

Bonnay, D., 2004. Independence and games, to appear in Philosophia Scientiae.
Bradfield, J.C., 2000. Independence: logics and concurrency, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science 1862, 247–261.

Forget, D. et al., (eds), 1998. Negation and Polarity: Syntax and Semantics,
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Hendrix, G.G., 1979. Encoding knowledge in partitioned networks, in Findler,
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Hintikka, J., 1986. Logic of conversation as a logic of dialogue, in R.E. Grandy
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Hintikka, J., 1997. No scope for scope?, Linguistics and Philosophy 20, 515–

Hintikka, J., 2002. Hyperclassical logic (a.k.a. IF logic) and its implications for
logical theory, The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 8, 404–423.

Hintikka, J. & Sandu, G., 1989. Informational independence as a semantical
phenomenon, in J.E. Fenstad, I.T. Frolov, and R. Hilpinen (eds), Logic,
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Hintikka, J. and Sandu,G., 1997.Game-theoretical semantics, in J. vanBenthem
and A. ter Meulen (eds), Handbook of Logic and Language, Amsterdam:
Elsevier, 361–410.

Hodges,W., 1997. Compositional semantics for a language of imperfect information,
Logic Journal of the IGPL 5, 539–563.

Janssen, T.M.V., 2002. On the interpretation of IF logic, Journal of Logic,
Language and Information 11, 367–387.

Morris, S., 1994.Revising knowledge: a hierarchial approach, in Fagin,R. (ed.),
Proceedings of the 5thConference on TheoreticalAspects ofReasoning about
Knowledge, Morgan Kaufmann, 160–174.

Parikh, P., 2001. The Use of Language, Stanford: CSLI.
18 IF Logic and Incomplete Information

Peirce, C.S., 1931–58. Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, 8 vols., ed.
by C. Hartshorne, P. Weiss, and A.W. Burks. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press.

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Peirce (Amherst: University of Massachusettes Press, 1967), and in The
Peirce Papers: A supplementary catalogue, Transactions of the C.S. Peirce
Society 7, 1971, 37–57.

Pietarinen, A.-V., 2001a. Intentional identity revisited, Nordic Journal of Philosophical
Logic 6, 144–188.

Pietarinen, A.-V., 2001b. Varieties of IFing, in Pauly, M., and Sandu, G. (eds),
Proceedings of the ESSLLI 2001 Workshop on Logic and Games, University
of Helsinki.

Pietarinen, A.-V., 2001c. Propositional logic of imperfect information: foundations
and applications, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 42, 193–

Pietarinen, A.-V., 2002. Knowledge constructions for artificial intelligence, in
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Pietarinen, A.-V., 2003a. Peirce’s game-theoretic ideas in logic, Semiotica 144,

Pietarinen, A.-V., 2003b. What do epistemic logic and cognitive science have
to do with each other?, Cognitive Systems Research 4, 169–190.

Pietarinen, A.-V., 2004a. Semantic games in logic and epistemology, in D.
Gabbay, J. P. Van Bendegem, S. Rahman and J. Symons (eds), Logic, Epistemology
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Pietarinen, A.-V., 2004b. Peirce’s magic lantern: moving pictures of thought, to
appear in Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society: A Quarterly Journal
in American Philosophy.

Pietarinen, A.-V., 2004c. Some games logic plays, in D. Vanderveken (ed.),
Logic, Thought and Action, Dordrecht Kluwer.

Rasmusen, E., 1994. Games and Information (first edition 1989), Cambridge,
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Sandu, G., 1993. On the logic of informational independence and its applications,
Journal of Philosophical Logic 22, 29–60.

Sandu, G. and Pietarinen, A., 2001. Partiality and games: propositional logic,
Logic Journal of the IGPL 9, 107–127.

Sandu, G. and Pietarinen, A., 2003. Informationally independent connectives,
in G. Mints and R. Muskens (eds), Games, Logic, and Constructive Sets,
Stanford: CSLI, 23–41.

Selten, R. andWooders,M., 2001. Cyclic games: an introduction and examples,
Games and Economic Behavior 34, 138–152.

Tulenheimo, T., 2004. Independence-Friendly Modal Logic: Studies in its
Expressive Power and Theoretical Relevance, dissertation, University of

Väänänen, J., 2002. On the semantics of informational independence, Logic
Journal of the IGPL 10, 339–352.

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